London Heliport (Battersea) EGLW NIL
Current METAR
Key Details
Name London Heliport (Battersea)
Latitude 51.46972275
Longitude -0.179444
Elevation 18 ft

Inbound helicopters must establish radio contact with the heliport ATC before entering the ATZ.  They should advise POB and any fuel requirements on initial contact.

Circuit height is 1000ft a.m.s.l.

The traffic pattern is non-standard and flown over the river.
All turns should be made, as far as is practical over the river above 500ft See map below for details.

  • Normal circuit pattern - between Battersea (road) Bridge and Wandsworth (road) Bridge.
  • Extended circuit pattern - between Chelsea (road) Bridge and Putney (railway) bridge (not to be used without permission from ATC – due to co-ordination with SVFR/Thames Radar).

N.B. Take Off, Climb and Approach Profile - is offset by 15 degrees away from shoreline (so as to remain over the centre of the river for as long as is safe so to do).

London Heliport Inbound/Outbound Flight Procedures

Additional Information

Start-up/Shut-down & Manoeuvres
ATC permission is required for engine (and rotor) start-up/shut-downs and all manoeuvres, including hover and taxi (which should be at a brisk walking pace).

Noise Abatement Procedures
In order to reduce the overall noise footprint and to alleviate the common causes of complaints and concerns from the local community (e.g. approaches carried out too early, passing too close to tall buildings, low manoeuvres in the approach or climb-out phase) The London Heliport operates a “Fly Neighbourly” policy as follows:

  • Always fly as high as possible subject to any ATC clearances and or the cloud-base.
  • Maintain circuit height (1000ft a.m.s.l.) until final approach. After departure, climb to circuit height as soon as possible.
  • All approaches and departures (offset 15 degrees) to be carried out over the river.
  • Climb out should be at the best safe vertical speed in order to reach circuit height.
  • No manoeuvres below 500ft are permitted for all departing and arriving helicopters.
  • All turns in the circuit (dumbbell pattern) should be made over the river. The direction of turn (left or right) is the pilot’s decision but where possible should be initiated towards the windward direction in order to reduce the diameter of the turn. Turns should not be made until reaching Battersea or Wandsworth road bridges at circuit height in order to avoid overflying tall buildings on either bank of the river.
  • When directed by ATC for separation purposes pilots will fly north- or south-side of the River Thames. All turns are to be completed over the centre of the river and must not cut the corner of the river bends in either direction.
  • Helicopters will not be permitted to start-up in advance of arrival of passenger(s) and overall ground-running of rotors/engines is limited to a maximum of 5 minutes.
  • If “Start-Up” permission is granted and it subsequently emerges that not all passengers are on board or in attendance, then the pilot will be instructed to shut down until all passengers are on board or ready to board.


  1. The exceptions to the above are when safety is likely to be compromised or when directed to do otherwise by Air Traffic Control.  Rules 5 and 6 of the Rules of the Air Regulations 2007 apply.
  2. Approvals to use the London Heliport will be withdrawn if pilots disregard these local rules.

FATO Wind turbulence/variance
The erection of new buildings to the North and South of the heliport has increased the probability of turbulence and variance of wind direction away from that indicated or passed by ATC.

This may be particularly experienced during periods of stronger prevailing or gusting winds and can affect landing, take-off, hover and ground/air taxiing manoeuvres. Aircrew are therefore advised to exercise extreme caution at all times.

Arrivals and departures
All arrivals and departures must be via the flight platform.  Aircraft must not over fly any shipping that is within 100m of the platform.

Non-standard take-off requests
Non-standard take-off requests including Group A / Helipad / Class 1 or Running shall be made to ATC on start up. Permission will be subject to other heliport or ATC operational requirements.

Radio Failure
Inbound helicopters with a radio failure should hold on the North side of the river and await visual light signals from the ATC tower.

Landing Clearances
If a landing clearance is not received by the final 200m of landing, a go-around must be carried out. The go-around procedure is:
…and then fly over the north bank of the river, climb to 500ft, join the circuit until further instructions are issued by ATC.


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LON_SC_CTR Joshua Seagrave 132.605 1 hour ago
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