Cardiff EGFF CWL
Cardiff is the primary airport for Wales, it has one runway orientated 12/30 of 2392m in length which is equipped with an ILS. The airport is home to a British Airways Maintenance Centre, and is therefore equipped to handle the biggest aircraft in commercial use with the exception of the A380.
Current METAR
Key Details
Name Cardiff
Latitude 51.39670181
Longitude -3.34332991
Elevation 220 ft

IFR Departures

IFR Departures should, wherever possible, plan to fly one of the established Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs). Non-standard routings are available but may be subject to some delay depending on ATC capacity.

VFR Departures

Flights departing Cardiff under the VFR should expect to be issued one of the published VFR departure routes out of the CTR. The phraseology will be:

"Cleared to leave the Cardiff control zone via the published VFR ______ route, not above altitude 1500ft QNH ____"

You may be issued a squawk for radar surveillance purposes, the issue of a squawk does not imply that a radar service will be given once outside the zone however. 

VFR Departure/Arrival Routes


Visual Circuits

All visual circuits are to the North of the airfield, i.e. right hand turns runway 30, left hand turns runway 12. 

The circuit operates at a height of 1,200ft QFE.


Additional Information

Visual Circuits

All visual circuits are to the North of the airfield, i.e. right hand turns runway 30, left hand turns runway 12. The circuit operates at a height of 1,200ft QFE.


Online Controllers
Position Controller Frequency Connected
No Controllers Online
Online Pilots
Callsign Aircraft Pilot Origin Destination Connected
No Pilots Flying Here
Stand Status
1 Available
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7L Available
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8R Available
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17 Occupied by AFX74C